Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Gliese 229 AB

Star type
g A: M1.0
g B: T6.5V

Distance from Earth
g 18.83 ly

Star Service No.
g NA

g A: 3 by
g B: At least 0.5 by but unlikely to be much older than the Sun (5 br)

Diameter/Mass/Temp (xSol)
g A: 52.7%; 46%; NA
g B: 10.27%; 5%; 1,000 to 1,200 °C

Brightness (xSol)
g A: 1.6%
g B: 0.000006

g A: NA
g B: Reasonably metal rich atmosphere

Comparison to Sol
g See chart

Picture of star
g A: See picture (shows Star A overshadowing Star )
g B: See pictures

Star system features
g Stars separated by 39-44 AU
g See article “Brown Dwarfs: The Most Exciting Brown Dwarf Yet, Gliese 229B”
g Research paper "Gliese 229 B as a Stepping Stone to Extrasolar Giant Planets"

Known planets
g A: None
g B: None

Habitable zone
g A: To be warmed sufficiently by star light to have liquid water, a planet would have to orbit at less than 0.13 AU and then would have a 24-day orbital period
g B: None

Orbital map
g See map

View from star
g A: See sky map
g B: See sky map

Nearby stars
(Star systems with 10 light years)
g BD-03 1123: 6.7 ly
g G 99-44: 6.8 ly
g Ross 614 AB: 7.6 ly
g LP 656-38: 7.2 ly
g LTT 17897: 7.9 ly
g L 674-15: 9.2 ly
g Kapteyn's Star: 9.3 ly
g Keid 3: 9.8 ly

Map locating star system
g See stellar map

Location in Earth sky
g East central part of Constellation Lepus, east of Delta Leporis

Other names
g A: HD 42581
g A: HIP 29295
g A: LHS 1827
g A: NSV 2863
g A: BD-21 1377
g A: CP(D)-21 1138
g A: SAO 171334
g A: LTT 2475
g A: LPM 230
g A: LFT 459
g A: L 668-21
g A: V 471
g B: HD 42582

Sci-fi mentions
g NA

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