Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ez Aquarii ABC

Star type
g A: M5.0-5.5 Ve
g B: M5.0 J Ve
g C: M? Ve

Distance from Earth
g 11.1 ly

Star Service No.
g NA

g NA

Diameter/Mass/Temp (xSol)
g A: NA; 7%; NA
g B: NA; NA; NA
g C: NA; NA; NA

Brightness (xSol)
g A: 0.0091%
g B: NA
g C: 0.0034%

g A: NA
g B: NA
g C: NA

Comparison to Sol
g A: NA
g B: NA
g C: NA

Picture of star
g A-C: See picture at upper right (photo courtesy of ESO Online Digitized Sky Survey)

Star system features
g NA

Known planets
g A: NA
g B: NA
g C: NA

Habitable zone
g NA

Orbital map
g See map

View from star
g NA

Nearby stars
(Star systems with 10 light years)
g NA

Map locating star system
g NA

Location in Earth sky
g Eastern part of Constellation Aquarius, the Water Bearer, west of Skat (Delta Aquarii)

Other names
g L 789-006
g Gl 866

Sci-fi mentions
g NA

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