Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lacaille 8760

Star type
g K7-M2 Ve

Distance from Earth
g 12.86 ly

Star Service No.
g NA

g Appears to be older than Sol's 4.6 billion years

Diameter/Mass/Temp (xSol)
g 66%-72%; 60%; 3,340 K

Brightness (xSol)
g 2.87%-3.45%

g No better than 50%

Comparison to Sol
g See illustration

Picture of star
g NA

Star system features
g Flare activity may be unusually low when compared with that of other flare stars of similar type
g Future: With an orbital eccentricity of 23 percent, Lacaille 8760 is sidling closer to the galaxy's heart; at its closest approach it will pass within 21,000 light-years of the galactic center, then journey outward to a maximum distance of 34,000 light-years. Lacaille 8760 is also moving up through the galactic plane, but nearly five times faster than Sol; it will ultimately climb 1,500 light-years above the galactic plane.
g Past: Lacaille 8760 skirted closest to the Sun 20,000 years ago, during the last ice age, at a minimum distance of 12.1 light-years. Ever since, the little red star has been creeping away. As it continues to recede from Earth, it will continue to fade while another dim sun moves to take its place as the brightest red dwarf. In time, Lacaille 8760 will grow dim and obscure

Known planets
g No supporting evidence for a large Jupiter or brown-dwarf-sized object has been found

Habitable zone
g Accounting for infrared heating, the distance from Lacaile 8760 where an Earth-type planet would be comfortable with liquid water based on visible light alone is centered around 0.28 AU (just inside the orbit of Mercury)

Orbital map
g NA

View from star
g See sky map

Nearby stars
(Star systems with 10 light years)
g CD-49 13515; 4.2 ly
g Epsilson Indi, 4.1 ly
g Lacaille 9352, 4.9 ly
g EZ Aquarii 3, 6.4 ly
g Ross 154, 7.4 ly
g Hip 103039; 7.8 ly
g HJ 5173 AB, 7.8 ly
g Cincinnati, 7.9 ly
g Gliese 876 / Ross 780, 8.2 ly
g CD-45 13677, 8.3 ly
g L 347-14, 8.4 ly

Map locating star system
g See map

Location in Earth sky
g South central part of constellation Microscopium, the Microscope, south of Alpha Microscopii, southwest of Gamma Microscopii, northwest of Theta1 Microscopii, and north of Zeta and Alpha Indi (The Persian); slightly too faint to be seen

Other names
g AX Microscopii
g GJ 825
g HD 202560
g LHS 66
g LP 341-14
g CD-39°14192
g GCTP 5117
g HIP 105090

Sci-fi mentions
g NA

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